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Academy Online: To give everyone and everywhere the chance to learn chiptuning. Training is essential for those who start or who want to improve their technical skills, up to an advanced and professional level of chiptuning know-how.


For those who take their first steps of for the most experts in the field, Academy Online offers chiptuning examples on the market most requested vehicles. It’s about true and proper practical tuning examples to follow in order to complete the tuning of the analyzed vehicle.



With Alientech Academy Online, you will be able to acquire the basic knowledge to take the first steps in the world of chiptuning. Concepts such as remapping and calibration will become familiar; you will find out everything about the engine control unit: structure and main components; You will learn how to use Alientech tools and software; You will learn in detail the operation of the new generation ECUs and you will see how to develop a modified file on different types of engine.


Practical examples of dozens of cars, motorbikes, camions, tractors, and ECUs & TCUs, equipped on thousand of vehicles. Thanks to the Academy Online remapping practical examples, you will significantly improve your workshop business.

Enhance your knowledge and discover more the chitptuning world with Academy Online: Alientech Online Training

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